I think we live at a point of extreme darkness and extreme brightness. Extreme darkness, because we really do not know from which direction the light would come. extreme brightness, because we ought to have the courage to begin anew.
Michel Foucault in a dialogue with Baqir Parham.
Iranian Revolution, September 1978.

The Dubai in Me - Rendering the world

ovni archives

Christian von Borries, Germany, 2010, 78 min.



Este documental presenta Dubai como la última pesadilla neocapitalista: una realidad virtual que recuerda a Second Life, materializada gracias a la mano de obra inmigrante. ¿Cuáles son las condiciones laborales en Dubai? El epílogo, rodado en los invernaderos de Almería y Melilla, muestra las similitudes de un modelo económico global. En este sentido, "Dubai está en todos nosotros".

This documentary portrays Dubai as the latest neo-capitalist nightmare: a virtual reality reminiscent of Second Life, brought into being by the sweat of an immigrant workforce. What are the real working conditions in Dubai? The epilogue, shot in the greenhouses of Almeria and Meilla in Spain, shows the similarities of a global business model. In this sense, “Dubai is in all of us.”

Aquest documental presenta Dubai com l'últim malson neocapitalista: una realitat virtual que recorda a Second Life, materialitzada gràcies a la mà d'obra immigrant. Quines són les condicions laborals a Dubai? L'epíleg, rodat en els hivernacles d'Almeria i Melilla, mostra les similituds d'un model econòmic global. En aquest sentit, "Dubai és en tots nosaltres".